Early Bird Boarding Kennels
Dog Boarding - Southern River Western Australia

12 Jan 2017

DO NOT SEND YOUR PETS HERE! My partner boarded his two dogs here while away for three weeks for a family holiday. His bulldog who was only 4 years old had a heat stoke and went into cardic arrest and DIED! No explanation form the owners, no compensation (but how do you even compensate losing a family pet!) and they still had to pay for their other dog! Complete negligence to the point the dog had a heat stroke! He is a big guy who isn't active or would have been running around to the point where he would have exhausted himself to bring this on. This is disgusting and I advise everyone to NEVER use this kennel. Its sad enough we have lost a family member i do not want it happening to anyone else! Not to mention they would not release the other dog to another family member who is now depressed to the point that he is not eating.
i have to chose a rating so i selected 1 - but i would prefer to select zero!

03 Jan 2016

Tick ridden kennel!
Not impressed! Our dogs came home covered in ticks! My little Australian silky terriers bum was also covered in poo!!!! Do not board here!
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