Tara Boarding Kennels & Cattery
Dog Boarding and Cat Boarding - Pialligo Australian Capital Territory

25 Jan 2024

Dog abuse and neglect
Canberra’s worst dog kennel @taraestatepetboarding This is a photo of our gorgeous golden retriever after a month at Tara Boarding Kennels in Canberra. He lost 8 kilos in four weeks, due to the stress associated with an eye infection that the kennel staff neither notified us about, nor treated in any way. When we asked what happened, they concocted a story that we had “told them at drop off that Harvey had something wrong with his eye”. We have vet documentation leading up to his visit that has never once indicated any eye issues and he does not have any underlying heath problems. These people care nothing about their neglect of dogs. We contacted the RSPCA and they indicated that they have 3 active investigations on Tara Estate Kennels and two resolved once’s from deaths at the kennel! DON’T TRUST THEM WITH YOUR PET!!! @rspca_act @rspcansw #taraboarding #rspca Canberra Lost Pet Database Canberra Golden Retrievers

26 Mar 2016

My dog is a staffy and he was angry when we picked him up... He was so angry that he wouldn't communicate with my husband and I and got out of the yard and bit another dog... I rang the kennels re his behaviour and they told me he was excellent and no issues of concern... I will never take him back there

22 Nov 2015

I love it
I take my dog and cat to Tara and wouldn't take them anywhere else.
I have an elderly poodle who is super sociable. The old dog area he goes in is perfect for him. The play yard is a good size, the dog pens are close with just a path between the two. They leave the play run gate that links up with the pens open and a few pen doors open. What it means is the dogs can go out to play and then can go back to bed if they want. It suits my dog with him being old he doesn't play like puppies do anymore so I like that in the area he stays he has the option to rest and play.
My cat loves Tara too. As soon as we open his travel box door he shoots out to explore. He is ether snuggled up on the armchair under the blanket or sitting on top of scratch post house watching the world go by when we pick him up.
I have never worried while I've been away, cause I know my pets are being well looked after at Tara. I would recommend them to anyone

04 Apr 2024

The Best Place for pets
I have been using Tara for many years and find the comments left on here vexatious and quite untrue. My dogs and cat have a ball when they are staying at Tara and the staff and second to none!! They truly love they animals they care for. I keep going back for the excellent service.
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Tara Boarding Kennels & Cattery
Phone: (02) 62...
Phone: (02) 6247 5227