Breakfast of Canine Champions 
15th March 2016
Breakfast of Canine Champions
Do you ever wonder what dogs think about? Food! Because dogs are basically domesticated wolves and close cousins to the dingo, they’re built to be hungry – or at least looking for food 24 hours a day.
When his tummy is full, he’ll rest then repeat the entire feasting cycle when he gets hungry again. So yes, your dog is consumed (no pun intended) with eating as much as he can get at any given time, but it’s up to you as his caregiver to make sure you’re feeding him the right foods.
We think food pretty close to its natural state is best for dogs. Wolves, dingoes and our domesticated dogs can eat food in its natural state and survive, so here’s a list of natural foods you can feed your pooch without worry.
Meat should be the main component of your dog’s diet. We recommend poaching meats and poultry in a small amount of water or broth before serving.
Grains and vegetables provide necessary roughage in a dog’s diet, to keep him … well, regular.
Eggs can be fed raw or soft- cooked, but only a couple per week as a treat.
Fruit is all right for doggies as long as it’s very ripe. When it’s too soft for us it’s perfect for them. She’ll like some fruits and dislike others – just remember no grapes or raisins, as they’re related to renal failure and possible death.
Dairy doesn’t exist for wild canines, as they can’t digest it properly. It won’t hurt to offer a small cheese treat to your pooch, but don’t make a habit of it, and skip the milk, cottage cheese and ice cream.
Bones are perhaps the most controversial factor in a dog’s diet. They’re a natural component of a wild dog’s diet, but some dog parents wouldn’t dream of offering any kind of bone for fear of splintering, choking, puncturing etc. Others feed raw bones because they’re easily crushed and digested and they’re full of good nutrition including calcium. We feed our dogs the odd raw bone and haven’t had any issues, but we suggest you discuss this with your vet and make your own decision regarding bones.
Kibble was invented because it allowed processing plants to use (and sell) what would otherwise be garbage. Even so-called ‘quality’ kibble is composed of beaks, feathers, feet, noses and corn husks that is processed at extremely high temperatures, then extruded into the cute little pellets you put in your dog’s dish.
Having said that we do feed our dogs a bit of premium (not supermarket) kibble alongside generous portions of the natural foods listed above. We think of kibble as an accessory food, like cereal or croutons, and our dogs seem to like the crunchy texture.
Feeding dogs is all about balance, so offer a variety of fresh foods. NEVER offer chocolate, coffee, corn cobs, raw salmon and/or trout, grapes or raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, chives, persimmons, peaches and plums. Google a full list of foods that could be dangerous or deadly for dogs – safety first!
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